Every life insurance policy requires you to name a life insurance beneficiary. A beneficiary definition is simply who gets the payout on the life insurance policy in the event you pass away. Your beneficiary can be… * A person * Several people * An estate * A trust * A charity Life Insurance Beneficiary Tips… Here are some basic things to know about naming a life insurance beneficiary along with a few helpful tips… * Know that you can name more than one beneficiary. You can name one beneficiary or two or more beneficiaries. You’ll typically be asked which percentage of the payout goes to each person… for instance, you could designate 70% to a spouse and 30% to an adult child. * Make sure to name a secondary beneficiary. Think of a secondary, or contingent, beneficiary as a backup. He or she receives the life insurance payout in the event the primary beneficiary is no longer alive when the payo...
I am a Independent Agent licensed in the state of Alabama.