A life insurance pay out is the money paid to your beneficiaries if you were to pass away while the life insurance policy is in effect. This is the process for how life insurance pays out and the steps you need to take. Locate the life insurance policy. If you can’t find the policy, contact your life insurance agent, the company that issued the policy or the human resources department of the company that sponsors the group life insurance plan. If you’re still stuck, check out these additional tips on locating a life insurance policy from the American Council of Life Insurers. Two last resort options include searching the NAIC Life Insurance Policy Locator Service or contacting MIB , an insurance membership corporation that offers a policy locator service for a fee. Obtain a certified copy of the death certificate. Check with the state or county where the policyholder passed away or with the funeral director arranging services to get a co...
I am a Independent Agent licensed in the state of Alabama.