Real Life Story… “Tom’s motto was… Be prepared. You don’t know what life will hand you.” Jeanie and Tom had an idyllic life… a strong marriage and two children. But when Tom was tragically killed in a snowmobiling accident at just 45, the world collapsed for Jeanie and the kids. Grief overwhelmed them, but thanks to Tom’s life insurance, financial tragedy did not. It paid for the funeral and the family’s bills and expenses. And it set them up for the future so they could continue living in their home, and plan for college and retirement. Life insurance did everything Tom had planned for it to do. - Via Lifehappens At Lifehappens … February is traditionally insure your love month. One of the greatest ways you can show your love For your family is to be insured If the unthinkable happens. I have had people tell me “I can’t get life insurance” Friend I now have the ability to Insure you even if you...
I am a Independent Agent licensed in the state of Alabama.