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030222 What You Need to Know About Life Insurance...

Life insurance is something most people have at least heard of,

but not everyone understands who should get it and what it’s

actually for. Contrary to what you might expect, life insurance

isn’t just for the elderly. Instead, it’s a guarantee for your loved

ones that they’ll have the financial resources they need in the

event of your death. While the specifics can vary from plan to plan,

you’re paying to ensure the well-being of the people you leave

behind, whether that happens today or decades from now.


From Mutual of Omaha to Plum Life to The Capitol Life Insurance,

there are many life insurance providers to choose from, each with

their own range of plans and options to choose from. Between the

range of choices and the prospect of dealing with your own mortality,

making sense of life insurance can seem like a daunting task.

However, it doesn’t have to be. With a bit of basic information, you’ll

be prepared to decide for yourself if life insurance is right for you

and your family.


Life insurance plans in the United States are usually divided into

term and permanent policies. A term policy lasts for a set period of

time, such as 10, 20 or 30 years. If the insured individual dies while

the policy is in effect, the beneficiary receives a payment from the

insurance company. Term insurance has the benefit of usually being

cheaper than permanent insurance with equivalent benefits.


Permanent insurance… which also includes whole life, variable life

and universal life insurance… combines a death benefit with some

form of cash savings. Part of the premium covers the cost of the

insurance, while the rest is set aside and earns interest. Generally

speaking, you can withdraw that amount early or let it ride for a much

larger sum upon your death. You may also be able to borrow money

 against the policy or use it to pay for future premiums.


If You Have Dependents, You Need Life Insurance

The most common reason for needing life insurance is if you have

dependents… people who depend on you financially, such as children,

a spouse that doesn’t work or a parent who you support. At the very

least, a life insurance policy can cover the costs of your final expenses,

such as the cost of a burial or cremation, funeral and outstanding debts,

which in turn keeps those things from burdening your family.


With a better policy, you can also provide money to cover a mortgage,

education, or other large expenses that could be too much to manage

with the loss of your income otherwise. If used wisely, life insurance is

the final way of providing for those you care about.


Determining Your Life Insurance Needs

Some people shy away from life insurance policies because they think

they can’t afford them. While the best plans can definitely be expensive,

cheaper plans are available, especially if you’re comfortable with a term



Other factors also affect how much life insurance will cost. Smokers

and individuals with serious health conditions can expect to pay more

for their policies, while younger people and women tend to have lower

premiums than older adults and men. In fact, the premium for a plan

that has coverage of $250,000 can cost less than $200 per year

depending on your demographic and the plan you select.


Finding Affordable Life Insurance

The level of life insurance coverage you need changes over time.

When you’re young and have no spouse or children, you may not

Need a policy because no one is counting on your income. The same

is true for individuals with adult children and those who have enough

money in savings to cover their loved ones’ expenses.


Another consideration is when to buy a life insurance policy.

Some people wait until they marry or have children. Others purchase

a guaranteed renewable policy before they have dependents. This type

of policy ensures they will always have coverage as long as they pay

the premiums on time.


Either way, buying one when you’re younger and healthier is usually

cheaper than waiting until you’re closer to needing one, even if you

end up spending money on a policy you likely won’t need. The right time

for you to buy one will ultimately depend on your personal financial and

health situation.


How to Find a Policy

There are plenty of online tools that can evaluate your insurance needs

and help you choose a policy that works for you. Some are run by

individual insurance companies, while others are maintained by

independent sources.


Alternatively, you can also seek out an expert who understands the

industry and available products to help you make an informed decision.

Insurance agents, estate planning lawyers and tax professionals can

help you navigate the many life insurance policies and providers out

there. They can explain the pros and cons of life insurance and help

you find the perfect policy for your situation.


Contact Me Today!

Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382




- Staff Writer





  1. Thank you George for your encouraging comment. I appreciate it very much!


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