Got Insurance?
I recently started doing business with Plum Life,
a new digital life insurance partner.
What I like about them is that they make life insurance easy.
They also have some great rates and are backed by industry
leading companies… so they’ll be around when you need them
the most.
Out of the many options out there, I am choosing to work with
Plum Life and I think their products might be a good fit for you.
Learning more about your coverage options is an important step
in protecting your loved ones.
We offer a level term product for 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years.
Coverage amounts from $100,000 to $10M.
Our term product is issued by SBLI The Savings Bank Mutual
Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts, Woburn, Ma. 01801
"Life Insurance That Treats You Better. It's what we've done
since 1907."
An accelerated death benefit rider is included at no extra costs
which provides access to a portion of the death benefit if the
insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Conversion to either a whole life or universal policy is available
at any point to the attained age of 70 or the end of the level term
And buying life insurance has likely been on your to-do list for
some time now so why not cross it off?
Applying for life insurance can be stressful but it does not have
to be. Many of my other clients were quite surprised at how easy
the process was.
Did you know you can complete an insurance application in less
than 15 min?
And you might not need to get a medical.
With Plum Life, you can do it all from your phone.
Let’s connect in the coming days to review your options.
I am sure we can come up with a solution the meets both your needs
and budget.
Feel free to give me a call at {205-269-1382} or email me be back
with a few times that work for you to connect.
I look forward to our next discussion.
Hayden Childs
Alabama Licensed Agent
(205) 269-1382
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