On top of the most common reasons for buying life insurance,
It can help cover some less common needs.
These could include…
*Insuring Children
Buying a policy on a child can ensure that the family will financially
Survive the loss of the child, but keep in mind that such a loss is
Fairly unlikely. It can also ensure the child’s ability to qualify for life
Insurance in the future. That could be helpful in the case of a health
Diagnosis that might make it harder to pass the underwriting process.
*Replacing Retirement Benefits
Life insurance is often marketed as income replacement for an
Insured person during their working years, but some retirees may
Choose to keep theirs after leaving work. It can be used to replace
The loss of any retirement income for their spouse or any dependents.
Permanent life insurance can provide you with a potential income
Source. You can access your cash value once it has built up to a
Certain level. Some policies also allow for an accelerated death benefit,
Which allows you to access the death benefit while you're still alive in
Case of a triggering event. That could include being diagnosed with a
Terminal illness, needing extreme medical intervention, or needing
Nursing home care.
- Emily Guy Birken
Hayden Childs
Alabama Licensed Agent
(205) 269-1382
“The grief is bad enough,
Don’t leave the burden
To your family!”
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