The decision to buy life insurance is personal.
So many of the insurance calculations depend on your circumstances,
Financial situation and future plans.
Even individuals who don’t currently have dependents, a business,
Or significant debt may want to look into getting life insurance.
That’s because the cost will go up as you age, which means that right
Now is likely the cheapest time for you to buy a policy.
Even the best planners can’t predict the financial fallout of your demise.
Carrying some life insurance can provide a layer of financial protection
For your beneficiaries.
Thinking through the potential financial issues that could arise after your
Death can help you answer the big questions: when, and how much
Life insurance you should buy, if any.
- Emily Guy Birken
Hayden Childs
Alabama Licensed Agent
(205) 269-1382
“The grief is bad enough,
Don’t leave the burden
To your family!”
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