One surprising survey reveals that life insurance may be more affordable
than many people realize.
Without life insurance, your family must find enough money to pay for surging burial
costs, any debts, mortgages, and car loans left behind by the deceased family
At one point, life insurance was expensive and was a slow paperwork process.
Because all families and couples truly need life insurance, it's no wonder Plum Life
is being used by many.
We’ve been able to streamline the process and save consumers money.
Of the families who have no life insurance coverage, 62% say they would
be in immediate financial trouble if a primary wage earner died, but most of
those fear it's just too expensive.
Research shows that people overestimate its cost by as much as 300%.
If you're under 50 years old and don't smoke, you may qualify for some very
attractive rates. And, get $100,000 to $1 million in term life coverage.
See why term life plans are popular…
You choose to be covered for a number of years (10, 15, 20 or 30).
If you pass during this time period, your family will be paid and financially secure.
Here's what many use their coverage for…
The average cost to raise a child is $245,000 and home price is $188,900.
If you have children and a mortgage, it recommended having $500,000
in term coverage.
Also, it may be used to pay for a funeral or a cremation.
The average traditional funeral costs $8,000 - $10,000.
It’s not a surprise getting covered is very important.
There are many life insurers… But here's how to get a great low rate
Now, Plum Life has streamlined a 100% online process with instant decision and
shows your rate online. With your smart phone, tablet or laptop/desktop computer
you can complete the application yourself or I can assist you in the process…
It’s your choice.
Instant Term &
Term with Return of Premium
is Now Available!
What is Instant Term?
No waiting…
Learn immediately if you qualify for coverage!
(18 to 60)
Coverage options from $100,000 to $1M
Term options: 10, 15, 20 or 30 years
Credit Card and Bank Draft Accepted
Return of Premium Option Available
Ability to convert to a whole life or UL plan
No medical exams
Our website is accessed by many weekly, consumers are using this
user-friendly platform and finding what they're looking for…
low cost coverage underwritten by a company (S.B.L.I.) that has been in
business over 100 years!
Simply click the link below to get a surprising affordable rate.
Contact Me Today!
Hayden Childs
Alabama Licensed Agent
(205) 269-1382
“The grief is bad enough,
Don’t leave the burden
To your family!”
Plum Life, Inc,
400 Connell Dr, Suite 1300,
Berkeley Heights,
New Jersey 07922
We currently offer products from
The Savings Bank Mutual Life
Insurance Company of Massachusetts,
Woburn, MA. 01801
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