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092022 Widowhood… Preparing for life without your spouse

Each year, 1.4 million women become widows. In a new survey on widowhood

by Merrill Lynch and Age Wave, 78% of those surveyed described it as their

single most overwhelming and difficult life experience.


One reason for the struggle…  like McKinney, many widows are

financially unprepared for life without their spouse.


According to the Merrill Lynch/Age Wave survey, following the death of a

spouse, half of widows experience a household income decline of 50%

or more.


And 76% of current married retirees surveyed said they would not be

financially prepared for retirement if their spouse passed.


Following the death of a spouse, half of widows experience a household income

decline of 50% or more. - Merrill Lynch and Age Wave


Part of the problem is that a generation ago, relying on a husband to be the

breadwinner and manage all financial matters was the norm for women, says

Danielle Howard, a certified financial planner in Basalt, Colo. who has worked

with numerous widows. “There is an age group of women that has abdicated

their financial role to their husbands.”


But even among couples who share financial responsibilities, there’s a

Reluctance to discuss the inevitable end of their union, says Colleen

Galambos, PhD, who chairs The National Association of Social Workers’

Aging Specialty Practice Section.


As a society, she says, “We avoid having the kinds of discussions that we

Need to have to prepare somebody for what is a natural life event.”


No amount of money, of course, can make up for the inevitable loneliness that

follows the passing of a longtime spouse. Yet the Merrill Lynch study also found

that people who are financially prepared fare much better in terms

of stress and grieving.


The following tips can help.


Create… and update… critical documents


All couples need to have a power of attorney, which designates another person

the right to make decisions pertaining to your finances, should you be unable to

do so, a will and a health care proxy, a document that names a trusted individual

to express your wishes and make health care decisions for you if you are unable

to speak for yourself.


In addition, make sure that all your accounts and policies name both spouses

as beneficiaries…  this avoids having to go through probate, which is a time-

consuming process, says Lili Vasileff, a certified financial planner in Greenwich,

Conn. It also prevents unwelcome surprises that can happen in the case of

divorce, like if your husband neglected to update his beneficiary so his ex-wife

is named instead of you. 


Know where to find the paperwork


Both you and your spouse should be able to easily access all your financial

information, including the names of service providers and account numbers. 

Vasileff suggests creating a folder that includes a copy of every policy you own

as well as a list of beneficiaries, your power of attorney, medical directive, and

a copy of your will. You should also create a list of all financial accounts, where

they are located, passwords and the balance in each of them, and the location

and access to safety deposit boxes.


There should also be a list of outstanding debt that outlines to whom money is

owed, the balance and how to contact the lender. “You don’t want to risk having payments overlooked and going into default,” Vasileff says.


Get real about the impact


“Women tend to think finances will be taken care of without knowing how

it is being taken care of. That is dangerous for a lot of reasons,” says Vasileff. 

And the reality is that becoming a widow often leads to a lower income stream,

said Michelle Buonincontri, a certified financial planner who provides financial

coaching services to women in transition. This is often due to a reduction or loss

in a pension, annuity, or a second social security income.

“You don’t want to risk having payments overlooked and going into default.”

Lili Vasileff, CFP


So it’s critical to estimate ahead of time what the impact of your spouses’ death

would be on your cash flow, and identify and discuss strategies to fill that gap, 

Buonincontri says. For example, if your spouse is eligible for a pension, you may

want to opt for a joint and survivor spousal benefit, which offers a lower monthly

income, but also provides a benefit to a widowed spouse.


Depending on your age and health, it may also be worth buying life insurance

To protect against the loss of income, said Matt Chancey, a certified financial

planner at Claraphi Advisory Network in Tampa, Fla. But especially if your children

are grown, you may find that a smaller policy is sufficient. 



Seek support

Especially the first months post-widowhood, you’re apt to be vulnerable…

both emotional and financially, says Vasileff. You may be dealing with a lot of

uncertainty surrounding your spouses’s estate or will, and ongoing expenses.


But if at all possible, put off making any big or difficult decisions at this time,

says Lisa Margeson, Managing Director, and Head of Retirement Client Experience

and Communications at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

“Focus on near-term financial matters, such as payment of bills, and postpone discussion on complex or longer-term topics, where decisions may be driven

by emotion and high stress rather than careful thought,” she says.


Finally, do not neglect the emotional side. Galambos suggests joining a support

group of other widows, facilitated by an experienced grief counselor.

Sharing your struggles with those who are enduring the same type of journey…

or finding ways to connectwith loved ones… can make you feel less alone. 


“Grief doesn’t resolve in a week or two or even years,” Galambos says.

“When the funeral is over and your last relative leaves and you are in your empty

house or apartment, you have connections you can reach out to.”

 -       Julie Halpert• November 27, 2018


 Roselyn Sánchez's Message to the Life Insurance Industry

Have you heard the news?

Life Happens is collaborating with actress, producer, proud Puerto Rican

and mother, Roselyn Sanchez as our spokesperson for this year’s

Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM) campaign.

Partnering with Life Happens, Roselyn is delivering an important message

to Americans that getting life insurance is an easy decision to make for the

ones you love.

It is affordable and protects your family financially if something happens to you.


If your spouse died today would YOU

Be financially prepared?

I would be happy to sit down with you

And review your current coverage

And suggest options available to help

YOU be prepared…

Hayden Childs, Agent

(205) 269-1382




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