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041723 "Too Late"

I recently came across an old life insurance

Advertisement… things have not really changed

Much since the early 1900’s.

- Hayden Childs, Agent


“Too Late!”


Sad words those… “Too late” … for they always

Emphasize what might have been and should have

Been but was not… especially in life-insurance.


In March, 1915, a man living in the north east wrote

To a prominent life insurance company for information,

This was promptly forwarded.


As he did not reply, other correspondence was sent

Suggesting that he protect his family with a policy even

A small one. He put it off.


Finally, in October, 1918 the insurance company sent an

Interesting booklet entitled, “How much insurance ought

I to carry?” Then, after more than three years and answer

Came… not from him but from his wife,


She wrote…


“Your letters and your interest in my husband’s insurance

Is appreciated, He died one week ago from pneumonia

Without insurance coverage and leaving two children.”


Like most husbands he doubtless intended to take out

A policy, but like many careless ones, he put it off until

Too late.


It was too late to protect his family after he was dead.

There was a time he could have done it quickly and at

Little cost, but he waited until too late.


As the cost increases with each year’s advance in age,

The time for everyone to insure is now!



Will You Get a Round To It?


I represent several highly respected

Insurance companies.


I can even insure if

You have been turned

Down in the past for

Health or other concerns!



“The Grief is bad enough,

Don’t leave the burden

To Your family!


I Still Make House Calls!

Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382








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