If You Have Co-Signed Loans You Need Life Insurance!
Mary and Steve have a 24-year-old daughter named Amy who took
Out $150,000 in private student loans to fund her law school degree.
Her parents co-signed the loans, wanting to give Amy a shot at her
Dream career.
Amy graduated from law school, joined a great law firm,
Had a baby and started paying off her student loans.
When she died at the age of 34 from breast cancer her parents
Suddenly became responsible for about $120,000
(The balance on her loans) and their 2-year-old granddaughter.
Because they co-signed the loans, Mary and Steve were responsible
For repaying the loan balance.
In some cases, the loan documents may include an acceleration
clause that will bring the entire balance due at death.
Mary and Steve could not afford to pay off the loan and had to sell
Their own home to settle their daughter’s debt.
While no parent ever wants to take out a life insurance policy on their
Own child, if you have co-signed their loans, and paying off the balance
Of those loans would be financially devastating; a life insurance policy
Can protect you from financial ruin.
A 30-year term life insurance policy on a 25-year-old woman
(Amy’s age when she graduated from law school) would be very
Affordable and would have saved the day for Mary,
Steve and their granddaughter.
(Excerpted from 6 Stories That Highlight Why Life Insurance Is Important
Jessica Huneck)
Here is what I could do for Amy’s Parents…
Benefit: $150,000
Age: 25 yr. old Female
Term: 30 Years
Rate: Standard Non-Tobacco
Premium: $21.01 per month bank-draft
If I could be a blessing to you
Contact Me Today!
Hayden Childs, Agent
(205) 269-1382
“The Grief Is Bad Enough,
Don’t Leave The Burden
To Your Family!”
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