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071024 Cancer is Personal to Me...

Cancer is personal to me… I HATE Cancer!   Cancer took my mother and mother-in-law and Earlier this year a great American Patriot Singer-songwriter Toby Keith.   Do You Have a Cancer Benefit in Place?   I would be happy to assist you with This valuable benefit today!   I am an authorized representative Of Mutual of Omaha, Omaha, NE to offer this much needed coverage.   After you are diagnosed it’s too late To get coverage…   Now is the time to get covered!   It’s one benefit you can receive Before death to use how ever You desire…   ***   2024 Cancer Facts & Figures Cancer 2024... First Year the US Expects More than 2M New Cases of Cancer   Over the last 30 years, the risk of dying from cancer has steadily declined, sparing some 4 million lives in the United States. This downward trend can partially be explained by big wins in smoking cessation, early cancer detection, and treatment advancements.   Cancer inci
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062524 Even The Rich And Famous NEED Life Insurance...

Did you know that even the rich and famous need Life Insurance?   It was revealed via OK Magazine that Elvis’ daughter Lisa Marie Presley had 2 Life Insurance Polices totaling $35 million dollars.   The magazine also reported that Lisa Marie was $ 4 million dollars in debt at the time of her passing on Jan. 12th 2023.   The magazine reported that her three children will inherit around $30 million in Life Insurance proceeds once her debts are satisfied.   Yes Mr. Feldman was correct.   Lisa Marie Presley had financial problems that ONLY Life Insurance could solve!   Friend, it is the same for you and me.   * Do YOU currently have enough money saved to pay off YOUR debts?   * Do YOU currently have 5K to 10K saved to pay for a funeral in YOUR family?   * Would YOUR spouse have enough money in the bank to continue YOUR current lifestyle if YOU passed TODAY?   Life insurance can give YOU financial security when everyone els

061424 TRACI KOVACIC Everything Will Be Okay...

Michael, 32, was a fit and healthy family man. As he left to run a 10K race, he kissed his wife, Traci, good-bye along with newborn Calvin and “big” sister Josie. He never made it home. As he crossed the finish line, Michael collapsed and died. The Kovacic family would never be the same.   Thankfully, they had life insurance. Even though the young couple had been living paycheck to paycheck, their insurance professional had convinced them to buy an affordable policy.   Traci says the hardest part for her was knowing that the love of her life was never coming home. “But the reality is that everything else stayed the same,” she says. "The paychecks stopped immediately, but I still had to keep the lights on, buy food, pay the mortgage and take care of the kids. Having life insurance meant I didn’t have to make any immediate decisions   or sell the house.” “The life insurance saved us—and it still does today, ” she says.   View this real-life st


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. - John C Maxwell   A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in a lifetime. - Dr. Billy Graham   Men become wise just as they become rich, more by what they save than by what they receive. - Howard Hughes     

040524 "Too Late!"

“Too Late!”   Sad words those… “Too late” … for they always Emphasize what might have been and should have Been but was not… especially in life-insurance.   In March, 1915, a man living in the north east wrote To a prominent life insurance company for information, This was promptly forwarded.   As he did not reply, other correspondence was sent Suggesting that he protect his family with a policy even A small one. He put it off.   Finally, in October, 1918 the insurance company sent an Interesting booklet entitled, “How much insurance ought I to carry?” Then, after more than three years and answer Came… not from him but from his wife,   She wrote…   “Your letters and your interest in my husband’s insurance Is appreciated, He died one week ago from pneumonia Without insurance coverage and leaving two children.”   Like most husbands he doubtless intended to take out A policy, but like many careless ones, he put it off until Too late.